
VIRTUAL EXPO: June 1, 2024 to August 21, 2024

IN-PERSON EXPO: April 19, 2025 and April 20, 2025 | Downtown Ottawa

Dr. Katherine Willow N.D.

Dr. Katherine Willow ND. has been practicing since 1983 as a fourth-generation naturopathic doctor. Her focus is on the integration of German New Medicine (GNM) as a guidance system for diagnosis and treatment. In this new paradigm, biological shocks and traumas are connected with conditions.  Symptoms tell us whether a person is in the stress or healing phase of the shock and indicate appropriate therapies.

Another favourite of Dr. Willow’s is old-style naturopathic medicine, which is based on our restorative ability. There’s nothing more satisfying than seeing complicated cases resolve as a person’s body and mind receive what they need to heal.

Dr. Willow ND. enjoys helping people with:
•    Aging well and prevention of disease
•    Allergies
•    Cancer
•    Children’s conditions, especially ADHD
•    Fatigue
•    Fibromyalgia
•    Inflammatory conditions
•    Lyme disease
•    Weight loss or gain and detoxification
•    Women’s health

Dr. Willow ND. graduated from National College (now University) of Naturopathic Medicine in Portland, Oregon, in 1983 and is registered with the Canadian College of Naturopaths of Ontario (CONO).

Description of the Carp Ridge EcoWellness Centre:

A Sacred Place in Nature to Heal Yourself

When Dr. Katherine Willow N.D. purchased this land in 1997, she saw a place for personal healing, learning sustainable skills and protecting the earth’s natural beauty.


Since 1997, Carp Ridge EcoWellness Centre has hosted a thriving natural health clinic, North America’s first Forest School, programs and retreats for all ages and offered healing stays at the holistic Bed and Breakfast.


The centre is eco-conscious in a practical and non-rigid way. Buildings and our daily lives are environmentally friendly to the best of our ability. You’ll see sustainable practices in use, from permaculture gardens, geothermal heating and solar panels to straw bale cabins and composting toilets.

190 acres of natural landscapes, from rocky wilderness, enchanting forests, and thriving wetlands – it still fills us with a sense of awe.

Currently, our focus is to develop one of the best Mind-Body Medicine clinics on the planet!  Through integration of Dr. Geerd Hamer’s discoveries about how we get sick and how we heal, we are able to combine Naturopathic Medicine, Ayurveda and spiritual principles in a way that allows people to make new connections and create effective healing programs.