
VIRTUAL EXPO: June 1, 2024 to August 21, 2024

IN-PERSON EXPO: April 19, 2025 and April 20, 2025 | Downtown Ottawa


Please feel free to contact us and we will endeavour to get back to you as soon as possible –

Tel: (514) 712-7516

Skype: AgoraCosmopolitan

E-mail contacts:

Ottawa Book Expo Coordinator: Coordinator@ottawabookexpo.ca

Exhibitor Relations: Exhibitor@ottawabookexpo.ca

Account Manager: Accounts@ottawabookexpo.ca

Non-Fiction Titles: Nonfiction@ottawabookexpo.ca

Fiction: Fiction@ottawabookexpo.ca

Book Reviews: Reviews@ottawabookexpo.ca

Headline News: News@ottawabookexpo.ca

Buzz: Buzz@ottawabookexpo.ca

Donations Manager: Donors@ottawabookexpo.ca

John Stokes – Sponsor Relations: Jstokes@ottawabookexpo.ca

Peter Tremblay – Volunteer Manager: Ptremblay@ottawabookexpo.ca